Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh, Yes I Did.

God, I have missed having a truck (sorry Al Gore, Earth and my other car, the Prius). So, look what I came away with after a night of drunken bidding on eBay. Is there any other kind of bidding on eBay? If so, I am not familiar with it.

I have loved this car ever since I saw Baby Boom while I was pregnant with my child. Now I feel like I need one of those bumper stickers that says, "Wag More, Bark Less."

I think so.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Old Girl.

She's 17 today.

We have been through a lot together.

She's mostly blind and deaf but she's happy. And hungry. My husband (who is ordinarily very politically correct) has renamed her Helen Keller.

Please address your cards, letters and negative comments to him. His name's John.

As for Shy? I think she deserves a party.

(P.S. I reposted this from 2 years ago!)