Friday, May 20, 2011

It's The End of The World As We Know It.


  1. Apparently it starts at 6pm in each time zone, so you get an hour more than we do. I hope you and the Mister will enjoy the extra time at the beach.

    I'm thinking we'll grill steaks, open something good out of the wine cabinet, and face our fates with a full belly and a buzz.

  2. So glad we're all still here. But it would of been fun to party like the end was indeed near!

    Hope your weekend was a great one?

    x Deb

  3. haha.. that got awkward, didnt it?

    on my train from scotland yesterday, i had to sit behind a guy talking about the polar shifts happening this fall that will make us all blind for 30 hours... it was great. lemme tell ya...

  4. I love the humor. I love the fun. I enjoyed reading this article.


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