I'm taking back the letter K.
Who gave it to the Kardashians anyway? Well, I've had enough. In truth, I had never watched the Kardashians - Kourtney's nasal whiney drone sent me looking for a chalkboard to scratch with my fingernails for relief. And Kim? I don't watch girls who are famous for sex tapes. They are everything that is wrong with this country - with a C. Oh, there are some other C-words they bring to mind as well. Yes there are.
But one day while I was painting a bedroom (I recreated the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel - definitely my most difficult DIY ever - tutorial to come! :) it was Kardashian Day on E! so I decided to watch and see what all the fuss was about (also, you can't berate something you've never really seen).
I was stunned. The excess, the MOTHER, the fake fighting/storylines, the annoying voices, the EVERYTHING. I kept wondering to myself how these girls were making SO MUCH MONEY off of this. Tiny little this.
It boggles the mind.
So, who's with me? Boycott! Boycott! No more Kollections, Kristmas (what?), Kardashian Kreations and Katastrophes of any kind. Let's let E! know that this is not Kardashian Kountry.
Just leave a comment below to let me know you're on board and you'll also be entered in the candle giveaway from Friday.