You could also cobble together a set at Replacements.com where one fork'll run you a buck 80 :

If that's out of your price range, you can find these at BBBY.com:
A stop at Neiman-Marcus will get you an even better bargain (if not flatter flatware):
Still too steep? A trip to Target.com will get you these:
If you don't like the little sperm guys on the front, here's a photo where they appear less noticeable:
Hampton Forge, $29.99, 20-pc. set from Target
Or you can just toss aside thoughts of silver and opt for the real deal:
Personally, I'm holding out for the Tiffany. Actually, that's not true - I hate polishing silver. I really love the Ricci Argentieri from Bed Bath and think it's a great version (and four prongs is a plus). What do you think?