It's not possible that you are graduating from high school today. I know they say time flies but this is ridiculous.
It was only 5 minutes ago that you were walking through the house with my belts wrapped around your diaper doing your Jack Benny impression (even though you had no idea who Jack Benny was) and swinging on your tree swing in the backyard with wild, happy abandon. I could swear just the other day you "married" Eddie Garza and had your Harriet the Spy birthday party in the playhouse. It seems so recent that I can touch you dressed up as a sunflower for Halloween. Can it really be that long since we were the Gilmore Girls looking for our new adventures?
And now I am excited for your new adventures. I will miss you as a constant source of entertainment for me but it's time for you to fly. So let's kiss high school goodbye and move onto the good stuff.
Happy travels, darlin' pie. xoxo
Made me cry on a Saturday. Hard and beautiful moments. Been there. Very sweet.
It goes just far too fast....know how you feel, xv.
Too fast, too fast. It's one of many reasons why I tell mine that "you're going to be a grown up for the rest of your life, slow down and be a kid while it lasts." From one doting mommy to another, blessings.
*crying on the other side of the planet*
Great send-off for the next phase of her life!
Happy graduation Spencer! SO excited for you, the good is just getting started. College is a blast. Study hard, have fun, and yes, call your mother.
Thanks to everyone for your sweet words!
I love my mother so much, and I'm having an awesome time post-graduation!!
Off to art school! :)
UGH! gutted. mine is only 4 and i love having these reminders of how fast it all goes. i always squeeze and hug 10 seconds longer than is "allowed" right now for this very reason. i am always caught staring and am often brought to tears by the little angles of her face, how still baby like they are how her skin is still like brushed silk.
Your daughter is awesome!!! I wish her happiness and success at art school. :)
Congratulations to you and beautiful Spencer!
oh my God. Can I relate to this. I have one more year. OY!!! I dread it. sunrise sunset - i don't remember growing older - when did they?
Oh how adorable! I used to have loads of those esprit shirts...you're making me nostalgic for the good old days...
egads, I know I will blink and both of my sons will be grown-up too. Thanks for reminding me to appreciate the now and the excitement to come of a child's future. you sound like a great mom!
oh this makes me cry ...so sweet.
Mine graduated the day after yours. What an emotional year this has been of 'lasts'. You are so wise to look forward. I am gradually getting there. :)
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