You know, when my daughter left for college, I was going to buy a pool table for her bedroom and I thought there'd be a party every night. My husband and I have been married for only five years so we're practically newlyweds. So, I've actually been excited about this time because I thought we'd get to spend some time together, just us, like you did when you were first married, before children, before four teenagers :-).
But now that I've actually packed my girl off to college and she is settled in and happy (fingers crossed), I'm dealing with a serious case of Empty Nest Syndrome. So if you see me walking my puppy down the street in a stroller with a baby bonnet on, please call the authorities.
Anyway, I'm back but I'll likely be posting much less. I've missed y'all, though. Hope you had a great summer.
You should post more, not less! If you're out of ideas, go to Plinky.
Missed you too.
Glad you're back, and hope you can enjoy some time alone with your sweetie.
YAY! you are okay albeit a little disoriented in your empty nest. fear not, you will bounce back and so will your chick a dees. xo kathi
what a whiner, sorry, but try having a child taken from you by a narcicist ex husband to have his child, a boy at age 9 and now he's 12, all because I remarried,. Jeez, at least you have had these glorious opportunities for child rearing.
I don't have to hear from you all the time, as long as I hear from you some of the time. Welcome back.
And yes, if anyone sees you with the pups in a pram they should definitely call someone - right after they take a photograph.
(Seven: Filtering everything through your own experience then calling your ex a narcicist? Ironic.)
I can relate, although I still have two at home. I remember the first year all five of them were in school full day. The plans I had! Unfortunately it wasn't pool table fun, more like getting on the photos in the albums FINALLY. Haven't done it... it's been 7 years.
It does sound like you are transitioning, I am going to pay attention and see how you do, pick up some tips for my future trip to the empty nest!
I don't think you were whining...
Have to agree with David.
David, are you a shrink now too? I swear you are all things to all people.
Preppy Player, go clean your house.
Everything will be all right.
Glad to see you're back and hope you get your groove back. Miss reading your posts!
So sorry to hear about your empty nest. I'll be in your shoes too soon, I know. We've missed you and happy your'e back, though!
Glad you are back now! I am back from the deep too. Good to see you in the bloggisphere again!
Seven: You've violated my blog's "No Douchebag" rule. The bouncer will see you out now; don't bother coming back.
you are very intelligent and not gorgeous.
HG is both intelligent and gorgeous. I should know as I am the lucky guy who is married to her. Hope Seven feels better soon....
Anybody with half a brain knows that my blog is not called, "Hello, I'm Gorgeous."
But thanks anyway, babe.
Hey, SisterGirlfriend! So happy to see you back in these parts.
Sorry you're feeling a little blue.
Relly missed you HG. This seems to have been a summer of discontent, at least for me. I am looking forward to your continued blogging presence.
i love your blog...(just stumbled upon it) and i love to watch baby boom anytime.... esp in the fall... have a wonderful week... x pam
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