Holy Guacamole.
I just discovered (accidentally) the most awesome thing ever.
Our beach house was hit by lightning several weeks ago. We had to get a new TV. We had to get a new Sony Bravia 46-inch TV (had. to. *wink*). The beauty of this TV is not only that it fills the space above the fireplace but that it has the ability to get Netflix DIRECTLY TO THE TV!!
You just need a little wireless doohickey (similar to a flash drive) that plugs into one of the USB ports (I know!! How far has TV come?!) and you can instantly stream movies and TV shows right to your television for $8.99 per month!! You can tell how excited I am by the number of exclamation points I am using. !!!
So, not only have I watched Steve McQueen sent instantly to my TV in the form of Bullitt (The Getaway was only available through mail and is on its way to me as we speak, as is Sex and Lucia, The Philadelphians and the original Thomas Crown Affair) and The Paper Chase (who remembers this movie which was subsequently made into a series?), Barry Lyndon (before Ryan O'Neal was loony), Amelie, It's Complicated...I have just streamed in two seasons worth of Magnum, P.I. God, I was in love with Tom Selleck in college and "dated" a guy who reminded me exactly of him. Sigh. Yes, dated in quotes. Don't judge.
Netflix should be paying me is how much I love this service. Check it out. The picture's so excellent, too.
Theres nothing better than what you want, when you want it. I'm glad you're enjoying your summer!
so is it anything on Netflix or only what is available on Netflix streaming? because if it's absolutely anything...we're buying a new tv tomorrow!
Thanks, David! I hope you're enjoying summer in your new place. I will stop by soon!
Jen: There is a lot available instantly. I've just really gotten into it but what isn't available instantly is available through mail quickly. I think we should be shorting movie theaters...
I would never leave the TV if I had Netflix streaming......some of my fave movies there.
I once saw Tom Selleck in Hawaii during the days when he was filming PI Magnum......I thought I had died and gone to heaven....what was I thinking!! xv
holy excitment over here, batman. we are getting a new tv hopefully this weekend and im totally going to look for that USB feature!
what is up with the theme from maunum p.i. being used in a maybelline mascara commercial??? i thought that all things magnun were sacred....i'm just sayin...
Thank you for telling me this! I am going to check my tv right now!
i have a great movie suggestion for you. tilda swinton in 'i am love'. i bought some chocolate for the movie and forgot about it until i stuck my hands in my purse the next day at the market. that's how good it was.
You and my sister would get along great. I also love Steve McQueen and Tom Selleck, but my sister is obsessed with Quigley Down Under. She loves Tom Selleck! Enjoy your new T.V.!
Lila Ferraro
Guess who I just saw last week- ran right smack dab into him in NY coming into the hotel as I was going out- Mr. M. P.I. himself. He still looks great! (We had a moment...
Hello....Tom Selleck in "Three Men and a Baby"...still hot.
Need this! NOW!
Agreed. Never thought I could fall in love with a piece of home electronics, but I have. Highly recommend streaming MI-5. But stay away from Rupert Penry-Jones, he's mine.
Agreed. Never thought I could fall in love with a piece of home electronics, but I have. Highly recommend streaming MI-5. But stay away from Rupert Penry-Jones, he's mine.
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