I'm taking back the letter K.
Who gave it to the Kardashians anyway? Well, I've had enough. In truth, I had never watched the Kardashians - Kourtney's nasal whiney drone sent me looking for a chalkboard to scratch with my fingernails for relief. And Kim? I don't watch girls who are famous for sex tapes. They are everything that is wrong with this country - with a C. Oh, there are some other C-words they bring to mind as well. Yes there are.
But one day while I was painting a bedroom (I recreated the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel - definitely my most difficult DIY ever - tutorial to come! :) it was Kardashian Day on E! so I decided to watch and see what all the fuss was about (also, you can't berate something you've never really seen).
I was stunned. The excess, the MOTHER, the fake fighting/storylines, the annoying voices, the EVERYTHING. I kept wondering to myself how these girls were making SO MUCH MONEY off of this. Tiny little this.
It boggles the mind.
So, who's with me? Boycott! Boycott! No more Kollections, Kristmas (what?), Kardashian Kreations and Katastrophes of any kind. Let's let E! know that this is not Kardashian Kountry.
Just leave a comment below to let me know you're on board and you'll also be entered in the candle giveaway from Friday.
I AGREE!!! In the beginning I actually liked watching the Kardashians. But it has gotten way, WAY out of control. I have decided to boykott. It's sickening, really, what they are paid for what they do (nothing).
Completely on board! I have a high tolerance for reality shows but the appeal of the K--- eludes me. We're bombarded by kountless stories or marriages, breakups, ad nauseum. I try to avert my eyes when an image of one of them pops up. In addition to the boycott how about never using the name again?
The Kardashians are Exhibit 17 in "Reasons Other Countries Hate America" (all of the "Real Housewives" shows are somewhere in there too).
I'll give YOU a candle if you publicize this enough to get a significant response and help boot their fake butts off the tube forever. I've never watched it and never will. The little I've seen of them has completely soured me on the majority of television.
Another vote for getting rid of the Kardashians. Just goes to show how many stupid Americans are out there watching this show & buying their crap. They are beautiful girls, but so are thousands of others in this country. Doesn't anyone on television have talent anymore?!!!
I have boycotted them since the beginning, mainly because I don't have cable... I watch plenty of TV, through my Apple TV, Netflix & Hulu, but since I don't have cable I can easily avoid/ignore all reality shows. I've known a few people who follow these ladies (and I use that word VERY loosely.) When I hear others talk about them, I am all the more thankful that I can easily ignore the Kardashians' existence.
I wholeheartedly concur!! I am bored with them instantly! So thank you for the boycott suggestion....I ALREADY started from here....hope others jump on the bandwagon.
Made the mistake once - only because one of them had been on Project Runway - of watching the show just to find out who they were. Still have no idea and quite frankly could not care less. They seem to epitomise what Decorno called the porn star aesthetic. And. I'm sure that does a disservice to porn stars.
I'm with you!! It's terrible that they're considered celebrities when all they do is have such horrible behavior! My mom would have killed me if I acted that way.
Can I get on board if I never liked the Kardashians. Waiting for them to turn into wide Armenian mommas.
I don't normally watch TV at all, because most of it sucks. But, I was in Peru and had some downtime - the only show in English on regular television was the Kar-douche-ians. What a nightmare! Horrible horrible horrible crap. Wow. I watched a few episodes and almost puked. NEVER AGAIN will I watch such crap.
I hear ya. No Kardashian nonsense for me.
YES PLEASE!!!!! Stop giving the fame hos any more fame/face time!
Oh, yes! I am so glad you're doing this. Actually, I'd love it if we could start a movement and then add some other [too many other] 'reality' series as well. Some people actually do view them as role models. Sad, sad commentary on the decline of a once-great country. I am very happy to join your boyKott.
I am so there....have no time to waste there. They are out of control. Don't know why people bother, they need to get their own life.
Did you get to watch "Castle" on Monday night...it was so "not so subtle" and just the right note! You'al are on the same "wave length!" franki
Absolutely!! I never did watch the Kardashians nor will I ever watch them. They set such terribe example for the young people, they have no values and no talent. They definitely need to go and all the other reality shows. You got my vote!
Boy do I agree. I have never watched their shows but don't like to see any of them anywhere. Yes, they are all sickening, even Bruce Jenner.
AMEN!!!Thank you. I couldn't agree more...They need to disappear. Happy to be your newest follower.
everything they do is scripted,, they are actually nice girls,, it is Kris that is the shark,, and ryan seacrest is the nephew of bruce jenner,, that is the connection for the show,, all cash,, and you suckers bought it,,
Y'know what, you're right. They sell a load of crap but the TV show's viewers are even crappier.
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