I've been tweeted!! I'm so excited!
Visit their store here and buy their stuff!!
I am certain that I am way late to the party. The Beekman Boys party, that is.
While shopping at Terrain a couple of weeks ago, I picked up a book, The Bucolic Plague. I bought it for my husband for Christmas because I loved the idea of the story and it's his dream - goats and all - to become a gentleman farmer.
Meanwhile, I found myself flat on my back with no reading material so I picked it up and read it straight through. It's very funny and sweet and charming and fabulous: Two boys from New York buy upstate mansion with farm; goats happen, comedy (and fabulous dinners cooked from farm-grown goodness) ensues.
Anyway, this story is adorable, as are its characters (Farmer John, anyone?). I totally related to the fact that Josh, the author, from Wisconsin, got his start detasseling corn (as did I and Cindy Crawford [I like to compare myself with Cindy Crawford whenever possible]). Note to Josh: You detassel the female corn so the male corn doesn't fertilize it, thus ruining the hybrid.

Because of the book and my new obsession, I discovered that they have a shop here where they sell beautiful goat milk soap from their farm as well as goat cheese (cleverly named Blaak) and handmade letter-pressed cards, among other things. They have even renovated an empty hotel in their little town, Sharon Springs, into a storefront shop so we can visit!
They also have a show about to enter its second season on Planet Green called "The Fabulous Beekman Boys." I have watched the episodes available on On Demand and now am in serious love with these boys.
I love the idea of the sustainable farm (it's the future, people!) and the goats and the boys and the town and the small-town goings-on. I am ordering goat milk soap today and some Christmas cards for next year (actually, I already missed the boat on that). Here's the link if you're inclined to do the same: Beekman1802.com. If you do, just know you are supporting a small farm and community (also the future, people!).
I have seen a few episodes and really enjoyed them.
Now I must get the book! It was so sad when they had to butcher one of their animals and they were crying, so sweet too.
the book is great. the show is hilarious. and the 1802 Soaps are amazing!
I love Josh and Brent!
I must read this book it sounds so poigant! I love stories like this become novels!!
Happy New Years!
Art by Karena
I love the idea of this book -- i am going to have to pick it up and check it out =)
I have to check out this show, book, soap, Christmas cards! I am curious just how "upstate" they are. People from the city tend to think "upstate" is five miles out of the city limits... :) Hailing from Central NY (Syracuse) and now thriving in Alabama (seriously!) I can't wait to check it out!
I've just found your site hopping over from TartanScot's (whom I've just subscribed :) ) Please, please add an email option for subscribing to your site... sniff, please. I don't want to miss a word and I've no time to read email and then hop to catch up on reader accounts.
Love your site and Happy, Happy New Year!
I'm totally obsessed!!!!! So glad to find you again in the New Year. xx Ali
Okay, Michelle... I've added email subscription just for you.
Also, Sharon Springs is about 180 miles (and appears to be about 50 miles from Syracuse), according to Google Maps.
You have me intrigued. You do know your corn! I'm in, checking out their sight now & game for reading this book. Sheep's Milk soap here I come!
Thank You and Happy New Year x
I've watched all of the first seasons episodes at least 3x each and can't wait for season two. I'll have to get the book now. Thanks for posting about it.
Josh Kilmer-Purcell used to write for the Advocate (or Out) and I always enjoyed reading him, will have to get the book. And some soap.
Oh, you're only one season (and a holiday special) late for the party. :o) Josh, Brent, Farmer John, the goats and of course PolkaSpot .... they really ARE fabulous! What I love most about the show is that it's about two men wanting a better life and the two guys just happen to be gay; it is NOT about two gay men (I hope that makes sense). It's fabulous, they're fabulous, and this blog is fabulous!
Welcome to the (BeekGeek) party!!!
No, Gale, you're absolutely right. They just happen to be gay but I happen to be a girl who likes boys who like boys (hope that makes sense!). I will rephrase that because they are just two FABULOUS guys...
I discovered you *from* the Beekman Boys, and I am so glad. I already Laughed out loud this morning as you described your hair through the years. I'm close to the same age and underwent the same indignities - often looking like a 40-year-old with a very young face in my elementary school pictures.
Oh, and I *love* design! Anyway, thanks, I'll be a reader of yours now!
Come join us Beek Geeks on facebook, you'll fit right in.
Brent Ridge
Josh Kilmer-Purcell
Beekman 1802 Boys
Beek Geeks
Funny, I was just given a copy of the book for Christmas. I'll have to delve into the show now, too.
One of my favorite reads last year. So much so that I've posted and reposted on twitter and facebook many times.
I've been in the hospitality industry for over twenty years and can TOTALLY relate to their hills and valleys and llof the fun in between. Add this to your must read list TODAY!
Those guys are the hippest! My dream is to find a rundown mansion, well farmhouse with great bones will be fine, renovate, plant a huge garden and get some goats. I love goats!
Did not know about the book that sounds like a great bday present for myself. Thanks.
Habby New Year!
I stumbled upon The Fabulous Beekman Boys by accident on Planet Green and I too fell in love. For the last few years I've mentioned to my husband how I want to have our own little farm where we live off our land because there is great joy in having access to natural and organic foods. My great-grandmother lived to be 92 years old farming!
Thanks for the review on the book I'll be sure to pick it up. I also want to try the soap.
Word of caution, some goat milk soap is highly perfumed causing allergic reaction/ rashes etc. This happened to me and I burnt some very tender places, so test first. I recognize not all soaps are the same, so just a word of caution
omg, i just realized that you have a link to my blog (thanks!) and now i find out that you detassled corn. Me too! Didn't that totally suck? Well we know what it's like to have a hard day's work, I guess. Had no idea about Cindy Crawford. And now I need to check out the Beeky guys. Yeah, I'm totally late to that party too.
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