Do you watch The Big Love?
I had never watched it until the whole polygamy compound raid last spring and I was curious about it. Over that late spring and summer I watched the previous episodes to get caught up and I have so say that it's quite a compelling watch.
The Big Love is about a modern sort of polygamist family, if that's not an oxymoron. The women look like just anyone - well, except for Nicki, played to selfish, manipulative perfection by Chloe Sevigny. Nicki is the daughter of Roman Grant, the "prophet," who is not fond of her husband. There are 3 wives and one husband - can you imagine? - 3 houses, 3 mortgages, 3 sets of bills, 3 sets of jealousy, many children... The wives are constantly vying for their husband's attention and "First Wife" position, even though "First Wife" is clearly defined, there are constant power struggles, as you can imagine.
The story is complicated by the fact that they live in a regular neighborhood and work regular jobs and have to blend. Bill, the lead character and main polygamist character, owns a chain of home improvement stores and also must blend into the business world. And then there are the ancillary characters, some of whom are insane, making this one fascinating night of TV. You can go here to get quickly caught up on the storyline.
You may also have seen The Big Love in the news this week. Seems the Mormon Church isn't taking too kindly to its intention to show a sacred endowment ceremony (I think it airs tonight). For the story, click here.
I don't watch much TV these days, but this is on my list, as well as those fabulous Kiwi boys from Flight of the Conchords (thanks, Raina!). Tune in tonight.
I am obsessed with Big Love's costume designer (whoever he or she is). That production company must have a top tier spending limit on a Platinum Sears card.
And isn't Jemaine dreamy? Those lips, that voice.
He's adorable. Sugalumps sealed it for me.
Platinum Sears card. Guffaw.
P.S. Raina, if you had to spell it phonetically, how would you spell no the way Jemaine says it. Cuz there are two or three syllables.
Girlfriend, DO NOT get me started on Kiwi vowels. His is a "no" from an educated man. The "bogan" or "hoon" (Kiwi terms for trashy people) pronunciation will make your spine contort.
Big Love's a masterpiece, they have the whole Salt Lake City/ Mormon thing down to a T without overtly mocking their subjects and that's a tough one to pull off. Also on Sunday nights and well worth a watch is the studied ugliness and absurdity-a-go-go that is Breaking Bad on AMC. I don't watch a lot of TV either, but those two programs have me glued to the set on Sunday nights.
Well..shoot I missed the show. By next week I will have forgotten..or not. I need to catch this one. Thanks for turning us on to this show. I don't watch television much either..but you have me interested.
Have not seen it but it certainly sounds fascinating.
You can catch up on On Demand - next week is the end of season 3. So much drama!
Paul, I will have to check it out. I love things a-go-go.
i've seen this show, it is actually pretty entertaining. Happy Monday.
Watch every week, and last night's episode was a doozy. I taught a very Mormon student so I had some idea of what went on behind closed doors, but the sacred ceremony was still very... interesting.
I know, E.
Okay, who thinks Nicki is preggers after that last roll in the hay.
I do!
i don't think it was a complete roll. not even sure if it wasn't part of bill's daydreaming. besides she is on the pill! i can't stand the thought of the season ender being upon us already. i had neighbors who are mormon and find the show not too far off of what i learned from them. naturally, they were not polygamists but they did wear the 'garments' etc. interestingly, the house they lived in has been home to several very different family's with interesting religious backgrounds. each family was firm in their belief that only those within their faith had the rights to heaven. whew this is way too deep ? kathi
PMS times infinty - that alone makes it worth watching!
Joy and Janet
I didn't event think about that, but it would wrap up several plot problems, wouldn't it?
I love it but of course we are so far behind here and so I generally wait for the series to be released on DVD. I have only seen Series 1 and am patiently waiting.... xv
I love the story lines about the women, but get bored with all of the prophet plot. It reminds me of a bad 80's soap. Otherwise it is well done.
Ha, the polygs are all my relatives. My mother was from Kanab (near Colorado City and Hildale). I love that program and watch every episode I can catch. If you would like additional reading, send me an email and I'll give you a list. It is an awful cult for what it does to the girl children and I'm happy to have escaped it when I was given up for adoption at birth.
It is also tragic for what they do to the boy children. They are thrown away like garbage so the old men can have the young girls as "wives". I think they are disgusting and love to see them portrayed on mainstream tv.
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