I was at Terrain the other day and there were about 15 women making terrariums. It was the prelude to a booksigning by Tovah Martin, the author of "The New Terrarium."
When I was a kid, on my walk to elementary school I walked by a small white house with a garage that was converted into a greenhouse of sorts. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidlap lived there. They grew cacti and hens and chicks and my friend Angie and I would stop there after school and would often come home with the fruits of their labors.
They created little terrariums which fascinated me even more than the cactus flowers. I am enamored of them and they were the only things at this year's Philadelphia Flower Show that mildly interested me. Sadly, I do not have a green thumb. But the beauty of these also lies in their easy care ways.
All they require is a little dirt, some moss, pebbles perhaps, miniature plants... et voila: your own tiny secret garden. I wonder if I can find some rotting miniature columns and mini broken statues? Even just placing a cloche over an orchid or an African violet turns it into something special.
Those terrariums leave me totally inspired. They're are not only beautiful they are going to help me solve a problem. My cat's think indoor plants are chew toys.
The Tovah Martin terrarium pictured is just stunning.
Thanks for posting this!
Terrariums... I loved them in the 70s and still do. Remember those mini plastic versions (with seeds) that come inside the Super Sugar Crisp cereal box?
I had a cloche over at the antique mall that I was thinking I'd bring home and do something with. Of course that very thought caused it to sell. I love the Tova Martin one.
Two of my favorite things: glass and plants. Ah, so happy together!
You could basically cloche a turd and it would look great.
If you spray painted it gold, even better.
These are lovely examples and I've always been enamored with terrariums as well. I have a cloche or two around the house, but sadly they do not house a lovely grouping of delicate flora. Instead, mine are home to a shell and some photos, but I love them just the same.
Love the post!
...just read the comments, golden turd, ha ha! Karly would be all over that!
I love these - I just bought two new ones that are the cutest things - the stands are really high and skinny!!!!! love them!!
Excellent headline! Made me look :) And such lovely little baby greenhouses they are. I had no idea they were called Terrariums!! Thanks.
hahaha, i love the one on the right. that one's totally my speed :)
GORGEOUS love cloches and terrariums.
Girl, you are a physic genius. That's the only explanation for your suggestion of a gold turd under a cloche cuz that is what is on my sideboard.
Those are beautiful terrariums but so expensive to set up! You can make your own terrarium with things you can find around the house- even just use a wine bottle as a container. Check out my blog for tips and links on how-to make terrariums.
Those are gorgeous. I would probably kill everything in there, so I'd go for a non-living one as well.
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