So chic and affordable! I cannot believe they could all do this for these prices. I suck at shopping. You know me - I could come home with only face cream when I could've purchased a bed for the price of it.
Is there Polyvore for home decor? It would be fun to try to put together rooms like this. I would especially like to see what Polyvore Expert Stephanie from even*cleveland would do. Buy the way (Freudian typo), she has the cutest wool and cashmere hot water bottle covers for sale on her etsy.
Lol! You could have purchased the entire room...twice...for the price of the face cream!
I've always been a vintage gal. I get all warm and fuzzy inside when I find something absolutely perfect with an unimaginable price tag.
Don't beat yourself up over not being able to source those pricepoints. I guaran-damn-tee you those pieces of furniture are a) poorly made or b) extremely small in scale.
Have you ever noticed the furniture in Pier One looks like it was made for Oompa Loompas? But it's well-priced.
That's true about Pier One. However, the bedroom furniture is full-sized. I furnished 3 bedrooms of our beach house with Pier One. The goal was to furnish it quickly. And it's all made surprisingly well. Mostly rattany/natural wickery type of stuff. I couldn't care less. The kids mostly stay in those rooms and I was not going to get something going that I would worry about with teenagers. They are tough on a household. That and my black furballs factor greatly into my decorating decisions.
Hm ... a Polyvore room ... I'll have to get on that. They do have a whole section of users who mainly use it for home decor ...
These rooms look great - I love that Ikea bed. Blueprint built a room around it back in the day that was pretty divine.
(And thanks for the water bottle shout out!)
The pink chair and the lamp in the first pic are brilliant, I never find things like that when I go shopping - well not at a price I can afford!
I love Courtney. She's got a great eye at all sorts of price ranges.
Heading over to Easton for some shopping fun next weekend... any suggestions?
What what? Polyvore for home decor? Great. More ways to distract myself.
Also, what do you have against Oompa Loompas, Raina? Some of us people are wee in scale ;)
P-D, I have never been to Easton - can you believe it? I think my husband is afraid to introduce me to that area. :-)
We talk every year about how we're going to go to the Antique Boat Show in St. Michael's and, inevitably, something comes up.
I'll let you know if I find something.
I totally missed this one in the magazine. Brilliant!
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