Everybody has already posted on it, but I must profess my love for Jenna Lyons' house. The rooms read black but are really deep navy. I covet them. I will only bore you with a photo of one of the rooms since you've already seen them:

I will

I first saw black used in an appealing way in an 80s home decorating book from Home Depot and, more recently(about 5 years ago) from the book, Bachelor Style. Here's the pad that got me thinking about black, the Paris Apartment of Jean-Pierre Calvagrac.

That sleigh bed is just dreamy. And I love the mix of burled woods and (let's say) faux furs against the darkness. Then today, while visiting the site of Hollister Hovey, I find more black beauty in the apartment she shares with her sister, Porter (of Porter Polaroid Project). Hollister calls their style a hybrid between Royal Tenenbaums and Charlie Rose. Ha.

So gorgeous and the coolest blogs. For the record, I have subscribed to Domino to avoid further delivery mishaps. Even though I'm not sure they'll still be around in 6 months... Hope I'm wrong.
I just discovered the Hovey girls' blogs myself, me likey. I've yet to see a Domino magazine, I suppose I should take a look.
How have you never seen Domino?
I have every copy of Domino - it's not that old. It's actually much younger than my taste but I love the creativity of it. Much fresher than H&G (which I still miss - I think I will put a little H&G shrine on my blog).
I love Jenna Lyon's house so, so very much. And I think you know how I feel about navy walls... But these drool worthy pics leave me thinking that perhaps I will paint my dining room and kitchen black, instead.
I've neglected my magazine reading, I need to get subscribed to some things.
Mary Carol Garrity who owns Nell Hill's here in KC has a line of paint, all the colors are great and her navy blue is the best I've seen. Not too red, not too black, saturated but not overly so. They used it in an attic media room at a showhouse this past summer. It was surrounded by large-scale mouldings painted white. SO crisp.
These rooms can never be posted enough!
stephanie stole my comment.
A black bedroom is my husband's idea of paradise. I think I may indulge him in our next house.
House & Garden was the shit, wasn't it? Here's hoping it will be resurrected a third time in the not too distant future.
Yup, H&G was the shit. I've been going through old issues like they're old love letters. In fact, I got the new Dec. issue of H&G on Sat. and was giddy when I saw the cover. No U.K. markings and I thought, "Is this our Christmas present? Or Hanukkah present?" :-) But it was the U.K. edition. I guess there's no need to mark it any longer when there's no U.S. edition.
Erin - I have seen a black kitchen with art behind the counters. It was gorgeous.
David, I have one of Nell Hill's books. I love her ability to accessorize. I suck at it lately. I guess I've gotten rid of so many things the 100 times I've moved in the past 7 years that I don't care anymore.
Steph & Annie (new photo!) - Good! I'll post them again in a couple of weeks.
HG, you are feeding the monster!
heh heh.
farewell to cottage living as well, although that's old news. I might need to test the waters with grey walls first but black is on my list of new year's resolutions. brilliant post.
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