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Is this a joke or is Domino trying to make its departure easier on us? Behold, the home of Nina Campbell. No further comment.
So as not to leave my beloved Domino on a sour note, a couple of rooms I like (minus the deer noggin):

I love the painted paneling and the sofa cushion. The homeowner shoved together two parts of a sectional and had a new cushion made. That handrolled mattress cushion has long been a favorite of mine. I wonder if the edge is uncomfortable?

Every home with kids should have a teepee. Yep, in the dining room, family room, wherever. I'd like to point out that I do not like the Noguchi light fixture - it looks like commercial HVAC ductwork.
Thoughts on the final issue or is it taboo to speak ill of the dead?
I swear, some of this stuff is purposefully ugly. It's like an inside joke to see who the editors can get to go along with their screwy ideas. I can see them timing how long it takes Apartment Therapy praises tepees in dining rooms. I get the same feeling from anything that comes out of the mind of Jonathan Adler by the way.
Ha! I love a teepee (although I guess my daughter's was in her playroom). I'd much rather see a teepee in the family room than a bunch of plastic Little Tykes junk as seen in every house I know with small children.
That fireplace, though? In Nina's house? Yowza. It looks like gansta rapper dental work.
That hideous fireplace is of a piece with the gold-toned patio doors. Yowza indeed! It looks like a shower stall in cheap motel circa 1979. My eyes are burning! The whole thing's a hot mess and I stick by my theory.
I like shiny more than I should but that brass is ass.
It was sweet to see a room styled for including children. A reminder that humans live in these rooms. We just used to pull every cushion, chair and table into use and drape it all with sheets and blankets but hey, if you can buy a teepee then good for you.
I like shiny more than I should but that brass is ass.
It was sweet to see a room styled for including children. A reminder that humans live in these rooms. We just used to pull every cushion, chair and table into use and drape it all with sheets and blankets but hey, if you can buy a teepee then good for you.
fuckingannoying blogger doubleposting.
I LOVE that fireplace surround! Karly from Design Crisis will be plotzing.
No worries, Lolo. That brass is ass. I wish I'd said that. :-)
R. - I thought of Karly when I saw that fireplace surround. (plotzing! *ha!*)
Kudos on the tent for the kids; you can't buy memories like this will generate. I don't like the light fixture though.
Every issue of Domino looks like these pictures, every single issue, month after month, year after year...
Like committing multiple crimes, a pattern equals intent (learned that watching The Closer, incredible show!).
Intent to bore. It's time to say bye-bye Domino.
And here I was planning to announce my undying love for the brass "ass" fireplace surround...
Of course Karly would throw down for it, but I fight dirty.
I don't expect that much from someone whose signature look is heart shaped glasses. I'm completely, entirely 100% in support of having a signature look, but heart shaped glasses? I just don't know what to make of that.
Natch, I thought her home was as distracting as the glasses probably are.
Have you noticed that there are so many 80's influenced things out there these days??? From stirrup pants to that fireplace surround. Some things are better left in the '80's!! I think my eyes are burning a little too... oh, and I totally agree with Paul's comment. I've been thinking the same thing for years. I even have become comfortable with the fact that what I like and think is nice is not "cool". Oh well.
I agree the Nina Campbell spread was icky -- but her daughter (Rita Konig) did work for domino, so I'm thinking there was a wee bit of nepotism involved.
I ALSO agree that the Noguchi light fixture is definitely not my favorite. It overwhelms everything -- and not in a good way.
Finally, I really detested the 20-something house. I applaud the guy for not just buying crap, but that still doesn't mean that books piled in stacks on the floor is "good design"!
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