I lost my virginity during Super Bowl XIV. Trust me, the Super Bowl was the only memorable thing about it.
Today is Super Bowl XLIII. Yowsa. It looks like I lost my v. when dinosaurs roamed. Actually, maybe it doesn't look as bad in Roman Numerals.
Too much information? Too bad. This is my new feature, as of last week, where on Sundays I share with you something about me that you (or anybody else) may not know about me and you share something related or otherwise, depending on your mood, about yourself.
sad but true: I thought of something a few days ago that I could have confessed, but promptly forgot it again. Typical.
ouch sounds like the game would have been better! great game tonight
Uh-uh, ladies. Gimme something. (It was a great game tonight.) I'll wait... *insert Jeopardy theme song*
Here's a too much info for ya. I always count to myself when I pee. Have since I was a kid. Can't stop. Don't have any idea why I do it.
I lost my virginity to a guy in my neighborhood. We stayed friends long after the hot was gone.
Years later he fell off a 5th story fire escape at some party. His mother (not knowing our history) asked me to be a pallbearer, and I couldn't tell her no.
After the funeral people kept saying "he looked so nice." All I could think was that he looked cold.
Other than the end, thinking of him still makes me smile 25 years later.
Thank you, Megan, for playing.
David :-( that's so sad...
What's really sad is that I can't remember exactly when I lost my virginity! I had a long term boyfriend in high school. I KNOW I lost it to him, but I played that stupid "Don't put it all the way in" game, I'm not sure when it finally happened. Will that make the Jeopardy music stop?
Jill! That was funny. Yes, your music has stopped.
I was watching the stupid bowl (I hate football) with my boyfriend in 1978 (don't know what number that would be) when lightning struck the TV antenna on his house and blew up the TV. Now THAT was an exciting game.
hey! it was a great game! got nothing good to spill i can think of now but did do a little drawing of the game...
Hmstrjam - You've made me so happeee!! That was a great catch.
You guys should go see hmstrjam's drawing if you saw the game. It's great.
Decorina - I don't watch football these days but I do watch the S.Bowl (old habits and all). And it was a great game, I have to say.
I just stumbled onto your blog from Decorno and Lord, almighty, you are FUNNY. I love it. I will be tuning in frequently!
Like Jill, I'm not really sure when I lost my virginity. The first time (I think) something just didn't work right... Totally uneventful. The second time was better, but frankly it took years before I met someone who was actually good in bed.
Then I married him.
I lost mine to Mr. Cruickshank - My High School Art Teacher ... and I've loved the Scottish ever since : ) I was sixteen and I think he was close to 30. I can't believe I just typed that.
You're a bad influence on me!!!
My virginity was already lost at the time, but I can remember watching whatever Superbowl it was (Redskins v. Broncos with Doug Williams v. John Elway Quarterbacks) from a hot tub on a freezing Bethesda, MD night. I'll just say a good time was had by all and the home team WON!
Thanks, Allison.
Good job, Erin.
THANK YOU, PAUL PINCUS!! You are an excellent player and you get a gold star. You know, my daughter's Rolling Stone had a cover headline this month, "The Teacher-Student Hookup Epidemic." Uh-huh, they've just started talking about it. Finally. Ha.
Damn, Pam, I wish I had a memory like that. I'm glad a good time was had in the tub.
another Decorno cross-over here and love your site too. Hmmm, let's see...for me it was Easter Sunday, not Super Bowl Sunday. And I hope God was watching football that day instead of me.
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