Saturday, October 18, 2008

For Erin.

Wow, Erin, I had no idea that there was so much fodder on this topic. Which pic were you referring to? There's even a theory about McCain's "tongue jut" (although clearly these photos do not illustrate a mere tongue jut):

Retired FBI agent Joe Navarro, a Bluff Magazine columnist and author of "Read 'Em and Reap," a book on poker tells culled from his professional interrogation experience, has written about the “tongue jut,” which is exactly what McCain was doing in the Colbert debate clips. Its significance?

"Tongue-jutting behavior is a gesture used by people who think they have gotten away with something or are “caught” doing something. I have seen this behavior in flea markets both in the United States and in Russia, among street vendors in Lower Manhattan, at poker tables in Las Vegas, and in business meetings. In each case, the person made the gesture – tongue between the teeth without touching the lips – at the conclusion of some sort of a deal or as a final nonverbal statement. This behavior has several meanings – depending on specific situations – but is usually associated with one of these: I got caught (taking candy from a drawer), gleeful excitement (look at what I just did, Mom), I got away with something (and I didn’t get caught), I did something foolish, or I am naughty."

Maybe. Maybe it's just gross.


Raina Cox said...

He can't help it, he's a reptilian overlord.

hello gorgeous said...

I guess it's that Arizona desert air. I don't know how long I can look at that. It's ruining my blog's aesthetic.

Cristin said...

I'm peeing my pants.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I just won the lottery on Christmas day... Such a thorough expose on inappropriate tongue usage! Although I can see why you may have been inclined to yank the original post, because that is one fugly old geezer.

ps, thanks for the tag love!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny, what on earth is going on in the one where he is following Mr Obama? It looks like he's been watching the John Cleese style of presentation and copied it a bit closely?

Mary-Laure said...

Are those for REAL? Spooky.

RAINA's comment made me laugh out loud.

Anonymous said...

I love the Bluff Magazine reference, I guess because Im the Editor-in-Chief. Keep up the good work!

Annie Crowninshield said...

Fascinating! As well as absolutely disgusting. In reference to your other post on Politics defining us... My best friend is a hard core Republican and I love him to death. I also have friends who are married to Republicans (albeit Republicans voting Obama). I sometimes wonder how they can live in harmony and I'm not sure I'll ever truly know but I do know that humans are complex, life is too short and sometimes love rules all. We are greater than the sum of our parts and I think it is courageous that people can come together despite their political differences.

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