Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mother Still Nurses 7-Year-Old.

Wow. Comments, please.


Puhvis Kukk said...

OMG OMG OMG. How does her body still produce milk???? Or they are just sucking it for, er, fun? Liek instead of a thumb?

Anonymous said...

omg ew! i think that some women can still produce milk as long as there is "stimulus".

Anonymous said...

Um, I think that may be considered child abuse. What the heck lady?!

Raina Cox said...

One of my former employees nursed her daughter until the child was 4 1/2, and I thought that was extreme.

I don't even begin to understand.

porter hovey said...

OMG is right . . . speechless.

Puhvis Kukk said...

Hi HG - my blog must have been confusing heh? It's in Estonian - sort of my journal for friends/family/complete strangers from US.
And btw - I read your blog all the time, just don't comment that often.

Greta said...

oh my freakin goodness...

I'm sorry...I got nothin

oh my freakin goodness

Anonymous said...

effing disgusting.
i've heard your childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to get over...
but, this? that kid will be in therapy for a long, long time...

Anonymous said...

Slightly incestuous, don't you think? Ok, I don't have kids, so I really shouldn't judge.

But when they can ask for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the crust cut off, and also could you help me with my math homework, mother? I think it may be past nursing age.

Anonymous said...

The weaning process is critical in helping children grow to be self-sufficient individuals. The fact that these girls are still breastfeeding is setting them up for a lifetime of separation anxiety issues...

This mother thinks she is doing them a favour, but she is actually doing serious damage to their psychological development.

Andi said...

Not liking that. I feel it is a bot on the incestuous side.

Anonymous said...

Aaaarrggghhh!! Oh that is so wrong, will someone please rescue that child.

hello gorgeous said...

I am all about breastfeeding being good for your kids but I am with citysage (as you can tell from my tag).

I think the mother may have some separation anxiety issues going on as well. It's not even funny, it's really quite sad.

An old friend of mine had a sister who breastfed her first son until he was five. I didn't ever ask about the rest of them. I should find out how that turned out.

egan said...

So totally normal. I don't get what the big deal is, a boob is a boob as far as the kid and the mom are concerned. Yum.

Karyn said...

Yikes! I have a seven year old, yikes!

Karyn said...

Yikes! I have a seven year old, yikes!

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